Riccia huebeneriana
Distinguishing Features
A rare species that forms small green-to-puple-tinged rosettes (<1cm) of narrow and porous thallus segments on moist, seasonally exposed fine sediments. Up close, the plants have a perforated upper surface at maturity with an obvious groove towards its tip and swollen margins.
Similar species
Riccia cavernosa and R. frostii are the only other regional species with a porous or perforated upper surface, but neither of these species have the grooves of R. huebeneriana. Young plants may resemble R. sorocarpa, but that species has a wider thallus segments and a deep groove that runs the entire length of the thallus, while thallus segments of R. beyrichiana are narrow and the groove is only obvious near the apex. R. beyrichiana has similar colouration, but features wider thallus segments fringed by fine, clear, conical appendages.
Moist to wet mineral soil of freshwater shorelines and pond margins at low elevation, rare in sw BC.
Associated species
Philonotis fontana, Gemmabryum barnesii